Friday, October 23, 2009

The barn's been raised

We got there at the last minute, after all these small considerations had been carefully thought out.

And realized.

Just in time for the last frame to be raised.

Mind you, all this is coming down again, piece by piece, shipped to Richmond, and re-assembled on site.

The crew gave me their contact info, written in pencil on a piece of plywood. The next few days, they'll be attaching the plates to the structure. Here they are, our trusty friends, the refrigeration plates (who have gone with us from Italy, to Toronto, Niagara-on-the-lake, Chicago) all stacked up and ready to go again.

Then when we went to the post office, there was a package - from Erik Olson - with photos of all the past installations. Just to remember, here's one of his treasures:

Does anyone know what installation this one is from? Send me a note! (include your email; if you're the first to guess right, I'll send you a poster! Hint, hint:) (Italy)
(Toronto, Niagara-on-the-lake) (Chicago)

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